How to check Tiny11 version?

Tiny11 is a lightweight version of Windows 11 that is designed to run on less powerful computers. It was developed by a third-party developer known as NTDev 123. It is based on Windows 11 Pro 22H2 and has everything you need for a comfortable computing experience without the bloat and clutter of a standard Windows installation. It just uses around 8GB of space compared to the 20+GB that a standard installation does 4. Tiny11 can be very useful for those who do not have the latest equipment 23.

Since Tiny11 is a variation of Windows 11 created by independent developers, determining its version might follow the same process as in standard Windows:

  1. Go to the “Start” menu.
  2. Click on the “Settings” gear icon.
  3. In the settings window that opens, go to “System“.
  4. Scroll down and select “About“.

In the “Windows specifications” section, you will see the version of your operating system. If you have Tiny11 installed, your version number should be visible there.

Please note, that this method is based on standard Windows. As Tiny11 is a modified version, certain steps might vary slightly. If this method doesn’t work, please consult any specific documentation or support materials provided with Tiny11. Also note that Tiny11 is not an official release and is not related to Microsoft in any way 5.