How to check the WooComerce plugin version?

WooCommerce is a popular open-source eCommerce plugin for WordPress. It empowers website owners to easily set up and manage online stores, offering features for product listings, payments, shipping, and customizable design, enabling businesses to sell products and services online effectively.

To check the version of the WooCommerce plugin on a WordPress website, you can follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your WordPress Admin Dashboard.
  2. In the left sidebar, click on “Plugins.”
  3. Find and locate the “WooCommerce” plugin from the list of installed plugins. It should be listed among your active plugins.
  4. Once you’ve found WooCommerce, you should see its version number displayed below its name in the plugin list.

The version number typically follows a format like “X.X.X” (e.g., “5.5.2”). This number represents the current version of the WooCommerce plugin installed on your WordPress site.

Keep in mind that the location and appearance of plugin version information may vary slightly depending on your WordPress theme and any additional plugins you have installed, but checking the plugin list is a common method to find the WooCommerce version.

How to update WooCommerce to the latest version?

Updating WooCommerce to the latest version is essential for security, performance, and compatibility. To update WooCommerce in WordPress, follow these steps:

  1. Backup Your Website: Before making any updates, create a backup of your WordPress website. You can use plugins like UpdraftPlus or backup tools provided by your hosting provider.
  2. Update WordPress Core: Ensure you are running the latest version of WordPress, as WooCommerce updates are often dependent on WordPress updates.
  3. Update Plugins and Themes: Update all other plugins and themes on your website to their latest versions. WooCommerce may have compatibility requirements with these components.
  4. Deactivate Caching: If you use a caching plugin or service, deactivate it temporarily to prevent any caching issues during the update.
  5. Check System Requirements: Verify that your hosting environment meets the WooCommerce system requirements for the latest version.
  6. Update WooCommerce:
  • Log in to your WordPress Admin Dashboard.
  • Go to “Plugins” in the left sidebar.
  • Locate the “WooCommerce” plugin from the list of installed plugins.
  • If an update is available, you will see an update notification below the plugin name. Click the “Update Now” link.
  1. Run the Update: WordPress will download and install the latest version of WooCommerce automatically. It may take a few moments.
  2. Review Settings: After the update, review your WooCommerce settings to ensure everything is still configured as desired. Major updates can occasionally affect settings.
  3. Reactivate Caching: If you use a caching plugin or service, reactivate it.
  4. Test Your Site: Thoroughly test your website, including product pages, cart, and checkout, to ensure that everything is functioning correctly.
  5. Monitor for Issues: Keep an eye on your website for any issues or conflicts that may arise after the update. If you encounter problems, review error logs and consult WooCommerce support resources.
  6. Security and Performance: Regularly update WooCommerce and its extensions to benefit from security patches and performance improvements.

Always ensure that you are using a well-maintained theme and compatible plugins to minimize conflicts during updates. By following these steps, you can safely update WooCommerce to the latest version and maintain a secure and functional online store.

For more information and troubleshooting regarding WooCommerce, visit the official WooCommerce website and documentation at There, you’ll find comprehensive guides, tutorials, and user forums to assist with setup, customization, and problem-solving. Additionally, the plugin repository offers community-contributed support threads for WooCommerce. Consider exploring WooCommerce-related blogs, YouTube channels, and online courses for in-depth insights and practical advice on optimizing your online store.